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Connecting To Endless Opportunities

Building The Best Tech Talent

Learn essential skills

Earn Certificates

Get Ready for Career

Master your chosen profession

    • We offer a full-end career program that helps transform your tech workforce.
    • We customize talents for your unique needs.
  • We transform your tech workforce.
  • We fast-track your company growth.
  • We help fast-track your company growth with simplified, scaled, and customized hiring solutions.
  • We customize talents to fulfill your recruitment needs.
  • We offer innovative solutions around your most hard-hitting HR strategic challenges.
        • We offer a full-end career program that helps you build a solid tech career.
      • We launch your tech career.
        • We help you crack your first job.
      • We hack your career growth.
      • We help you upgrade your skills.
      • We get you better opportunities.
      We bring you better opportunities.

Hi, We're Code Rush

Right connection and Right Employee

Code Rush offers a blend of skill development with globally recognized certifications to produce a capable human resource to fit individual enterprise’s recruitment needs through a standardized process.

We are a full-end career program that solves tech skill gaps at scale. We work on both sides of the coin

Code Rush exists to solve the scarcity of tech talents by offering a full-end career program for individuals looking for growth opportunities. 

Specializes in training and development for the tech industry. 

Produces human resources fitting individual companies’ recruitment needs with a standardized process.

Apply to EduMall

A place to provide students with enough knowledge and skills in a complex world.

What we Offer

You don't have to struggle alone, you've got our assistance and help.

For Company

-Prophecy/Foresee - HR Forecasting Process
-HireFit/RecruitFit - Customized Recruitment Program
-Connect with Tech Talents
-Revise - Upskill and Reskill Programs

For Institution

-Placement Opportunities
-College Activation Program

For Freshers

-Career Pathway
-Global Certifications

For Professionals

-Revise (Reskilling and Upskilling)
-Upscale in Job
-Global Certifications

See What Our Students Have To Say

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Courses Category

Learning new languages, connect to the world and become a global citizen with EduMall

We Collaborate With 190+ Leading Universities And Companies

We Collaborate With 190+ Leading Universities And Companies

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the course?
Edumall is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Atomlab can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
Will I get a completion certificate?
Edumall is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Atomlab can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
How do I register for an apprenticeship?
Edumall is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Atomlab can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
What ate your payment methods?
Edumall is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Atomlab can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.
How do I get jobs through Code Rush?
Edumall is intended to be highly responsive and customizable for site building process. Thanks to its devoted, fastidious, and compact design, Atomlab can be considered among plenty of unique themes that serve to create highly responsive websites.

See What Our Alumni Have To Say About Us

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About us Page

The Leading Global Marketplace for Learning and Instruction

Tomorrow is our "When I Grow Up" Spirit Day!

Start to success

The Leading Global Marketplace for Learning and Instruction

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Meet Our Team

Tom Sanders

President & CEO

Tom Sanders

Chief People Officer

Tom Sanders

Lead Developer

Dollie Horton

Project manager

Tom Sanders


Tom Sanders


Tom Sanders

Financial Services

Tom Sanders


For Professionals

Become an Instructor

Top instructors from around the world teach millions of students on EduMall.

Discover Your Potential

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How to Become an Instructor

Become an Instructor

Plan your course
Neque convallis a cras semper auctor. Libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt egetnvallis a cras semper auctonvallis a cras semper aucto. Neque convallis a cras semper auctor. Liberoe convallis a cras semper atincidunt egetnval
How we help you

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Instructor Rules

Plan your course
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How we help you

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Start with Courses

Plan your course
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How we help you

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